From Disqus to Google Plus

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Date: 2014-07-31 21:18:22 00:00

Three years ago I moved my blog to Jekyll and since then I have been very happy with it, with the time I have changed the way it looks and have gone from comments to no comments.

Right now I am switching again, I am switching from Disqus to Google Plus to handle the comments on this blog. No real reason to do this, maybe just to test if more activity come to the blog this way.

To do it on Jekyll which are just static pages, is really simple, just paste this piece of code where you want the comments to appear.

<script src="">
<div class="g-comments"
  data-href="{{  page.url }}"

Of course change the for your own url.

One thing I may miss from Disqus is to be alerted via email when a new comment is posted on the site. Using Google Plus someone will have to mention me (@ggarron) in order to get my attention. I will run this way for some time to see if it was a good move or not.

One thing that keeps me thinking about this move is that I am not protecting my readers privacy anymore, like I stated everyone should do in this post