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About Git

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Date: 2012-12-24 11:39:35 00:00

Working with Git

I have used Git in the past, but I was using it "automatically", I mean, I just followed the commands I learned I need to run to achieve some task.

I was using it to version control this blog, and to deploy it to a Linode using git, with some post-commit scripts. You can google about that.

Yesterday, I started really reading about Git, and a little bit about how it works. It is a wonderful tool to work in different scenarios. I am not going to start writing a git how-to as I have not enough experience to do that, but I will let you know some scenarios where you may like to use it.

Collaborative jobs

Git was made for this, a lot of people can work on the same project and files at the same time (Not exactly like that, but close).

Your personal syncing tool

You may want to work on the same files from different computers, you need them to stay in sync no matter where you are working. Git will help you with this too, it is easy to keep a lot of computers in sync.

Time machine for your projects

When you are working on a project with lots of files, you may want to be able to go back to a previous stage of your project. Git once again comes to rescue you with this problem.

How to achieve those goals

As I said I am not going to write a Git how-to just yet. I think I need to learn a lot before starting to post a big how-to here. But, I will guide you a little bit, so you can do your own research.

Good practices when working with Git

  • Have a bare repository as a central place to sync your job
  • Use branches when working on draft changes to your project

If I have convinced you that Git is a good tool, read this Git book to start with Git.