Use wget with a proxy server. How to configure

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Date: 2012-05-31 10:08:00 00:00

The use of a proxy server is beneficial, specially when downloading big files.

If the user base behind the proxy is big, and have common interests, there is a good chance that the file you want somebody else have already downloaded.

This is the case in Universities, and Linux images. If you are going to use wget to download a file or site, and you have access to a proxy server, better use it.

Here is how to configure easily wget to use the proxy server.

wget looks for tha variable called http_proxy. We need to set it to point to the proxy server.

export http_proxy="http://proxy.server:port"

In my case it is like this:

export http_proxy=""

If you need to authenticate with the proxy server before being able to use it.

export http_proxy="http://user:password@"

That is it for http proxies. If you need to set an ftp proxy, just use the variable: ftp_proxy.