The usual "hello world" entry

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Date: 2011-07-09 01:26:37 00:00

Hello World

Yes, this is the usual hello world post, I’m starting this personal blog, to have a place to share thoughts, ideas, and other kind of stuff with every one who might be interested in reading what I have to write.

I’ve tried Posterous, and Tumblr, but none of them gave me what I was looking for.

Do not take me wrong, I agree with all the people who think that those are great platforms, but I just like to be in control of my own content, I like to be the sole owner of what I publish in the web.

And in the meantime I also learn something about blogging platforms :).

I’ve spent some hours installing this in my server, and I’ve started late already, so I think it is time to go to sleep.

Stay tuned, I like to know new people thanks to the Internet.