Switching to Feedly

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Date: 2013-04-23 09:12:35 00:00

Some weeks ago Google announced that its Google Reader service will stop working on July the 1st this year, so we all need to look for alternative ways to read and consume our RSS feeds.

Maybe I am too oll style (maybe I am too old), but I just do not see the point of using Twitter or G+ to consume my digital info. I use Twitter and G+ to read what the people I follow has to say or to share, but I still want to know what is new on the blogs I am interested it. The best way to do that still is RSS/Atom feeds.

Now, talking about alternatives, there are a lot, even browsers and email clients have the option to read RSS feeds. There is a problem though, they are not synced, and I like to be able to read them on my Android phone, on my PC or Laptop, or even in my iPod Touch if I wish. The best way to do that is using a "cloud" service.

I have been testing Feedly for some three weeks already and I must say that I like it a lot, to the point that I stopped using reeder on my Mac and iPod to read my feeds.

I like the options to share it has (works great on Android, because Android shares better than iOS)

The different views it has, I like the cards view like this.

Feedly web screenshot

Others may like the magazine view.

Feedly magazine screenshot

It also looks nice and it is easy to read on my Galaxy S3. Actually, I am not using Instapaper that much these days.

Feedly on Android


If you are concerned about the fact that Google is coming to an end, then you really should consider Feedly if you still want to have syncing features across devices. There are other options I will be also exploring the posting about them here.