Starting as a developer: iPhone or Android? which one to choose?

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Date: 2011-08-27 08:50:00 00:00

Android or iPhone developer?

I may be crazy, because with no previous knowledge of modern programing I've decided to be an app developer, or at least, I'm in process of deciding it.

Once upon a time, too many years ago I was a programmer :). I worked with DBase but since that time I've worked in the Telecommunications area, and only from time to time, I take a look at some code.

I always liked programming since 1988 or 1989 when I learned Basic, and spend hours with my Atari 1200.

As you can see I have to start from scratch, so the effort could somehow be the same, to start with iOS or Android.

Taking the programming skills I need to learn for any of those platforms out of the equation, I'm thinking on this, to decide.

  • Number of users:

There is a bigger number of Android users than iOS users, but the number of iOS users is big enough to work for them.

  • Users willing to pay for an app:

I may be wrong here, but I've the impression that iPhone users, are more used to pay for applications than Android devices users. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Too many Android versions:

I do not know if this is an issue, but I think it may require more job from my side to develop for Android users, as there are too many versions out there, not only the vanilla versions, but also, the modifications each phone maker makes to the system.

I've been reading the forums, and I can see that some applications run on Motorola Droid, but not so well on HTC phones, both using the same Android version.

In the iPhone universe, you only have one version, well if you want to develop for old iPhone models, you'll have to focus on old versions, but I think is a smaller universe of options anyway.

  • The market

You can sell Android apps via the market, but you can also sell them using your own webpage, and charge via paypal, with iOS you need to sell them using the market, no other way to sell your work, but that is also a warranty that your app have been reviewed.

What other considerations do you think I should think about, before deciding?

What do you suggest?

Thanks in advance for your advice.