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2015 resolutions

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Date: 2014-12-25 01:00:00 00:00

2014 is almost done, it has been a good year for me, I have had a lot of fun at my job. But because of it I had little time to write to the blog.

Writing just because I like is not that difficult, also writing some small tips is not difficult either, but writing some articles of better quality like these tutorials is not that easy, they demand more hours of research, hours of testing and some more hours of writing and setting up everything together.

I have made a commitment to write at least one good quality article per month this new year, and I will be sharing those articles via email to the subscribers of the email list of this site.

This last week I have spend a lot of time -mostly at nights- upgrading the site to Jekyll Bootstrap 3 from version 2. I have used the opportunity to remove the main top menu, and instead of it, add a breadcrumb menu to improve the user experience of the site, and make it easier to find the content you want to read.

I hope I will have a little more time in 2015 to put some good quality articles on the site for you. Hope you enjoy reading them.

Merry Christmas and a great 2015 to all of you.